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On 1 October 2021, APRA introduced changes to Income Protection insurance to improve sustainability in response to over $3 billion in losses incurred by insurers in the past 5 years. APRA deferred the implementation of one of the proposed changes until 1 October 2022.
Current Income Protection insurance applications are for ‘guaranteed renewable’ policies. This means that once you have an Income Protection policy accepted by an insurer and in force, the insurer is guaranteed to renew the policy each year under the same (or better) terms, conditions, and definitions until it expires provided premiums are paid when due. The expiry date corresponds with the benefit period of an Income Protection policy, which can be anywhere from 2 years up until the client’s age 65 or 70. If an insured person’s health, occupation or hobbies change after the commencement of a guaranteed renewable Income Protection policy, the policy would not be affected.
From 1 October 2022, it is proposed that any new Income Protection policies will have a maximum contract term of 5 years. This means at the 5-year mark the insured person would need to provide current information regarding their occupation, income, and pastimes and be offered Income Protection insurance based on the policies available at that time.
This could see the following potential unintended consequences:
Simon Swanson, the managing director of Clearview which is one of Australia’s major life insurers believes that APRA’s current plan is unworkable and will significantly disadvantage consumers. He stated “that the way life insurance contracts have traditionally been legally structured serve the best interests of consumers by ensuring cover is guaranteed renewable. This is how life insurance contracts in Australia and around the world are currently structured, requiring insurers to renew an insured person’s cover each year on the same terms until expiry. Our experience informs us that consumers want certainty in their cover, which, in turn, safeguards their future.”
5-year maximum Income Protection contract terms will significantly disadvantage insurance holders, so if you don’t currently have Income Protection insurance it would be in your best interest to seek advice regarding obtaining a guaranteed renewable policy prior to 1 October 2022.
If you have any questions regarding personal insurance, please do not hesitate to contact the Risk & Insurance team at Hewison Private Wealth, you can get in touch HERE.
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