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2023 Hewison Award Winners

Hewison Private Wealth
30 Mar 2023

2023 Staff Conference Media Release 

30th March, 2023 

On the 23rd of March 2023, the Hewison Private Wealth team departed for their annual staff conference. This year, staff enjoyed two nights away at RACV Goldfields in Creswick where they immersed themselves in the company vision, purpose, values and how to strive for excellence in all that we do for our clients. The theme of this year’s conference was REFLECT, RESET and RELAUNCH; presentations and workshops were run by Hewison leaders, with a highlight on day two, being the keynote delivered by special guest speaker, Ben Crowe. Ben is a globally renowned mindset coach to the likes of Ash Barty and the Richmond Football Club, we were privileged to be taught strategies to improve our individual connection, purpose, and performance mindsets. His keynote and workshops were incredible! 

The 2023 Staff Conference has allowed the team at Hewison to reflect on the last financial year, connect with one another more deeply, learn from the challenges we have faced and celebrate our successes at our first annual awards evening.  

The morning session of day one began with a comprehensive business update from Managing Director, Andrew Hewison. Following the business update Andrew took everyone on a journey of exploration into the vision and purpose of Hewison Private Wealth, and why what we do matters so much to the lives of others.


With everyone connected to this vision and purpose, Director and Partner Glenn Fairbairn and Head of Client Services Emma Hansen ran a values session to validate the relevancy of our existing values and unearth any that should also be added. The current values of ‘Fun, Family, Empowerment’ were discussed in terms of their meaning and whether they were still relevant as the company grows. The team was able to voice their thoughts and opinions in smaller table groups of around seven people. The team agreed that these values remain strong and accurate pillars of our company culture. However, there is potential for the inclusion of additional values going forward which reflect our service standards that are underpinned by excellence.    

In the afternoon session of day one we worked ‘on the business’ and looked at company standards and business process management, before a light-hearted panel to get to know our international team. The standards session led by COO, Rosanna (Razz) Fornarino, and Partner and Wealth Adviser, Nathan Lear, allowed the team to evaluate the importance of business standards and what behaviours they foster in the workplace. This session solidified the Hewison standards and how we need to reflect these in our everyday tasks.  

Day two kicked off with a keynote address from Ben Crowe, followed by complimentary workshops. Ben Crowe is a leading Australian keynote speaker who is known for being the mindset and performance coach to world number one tennis player, Ash Barty, world surfing champion, Stephanie Gilmore, and three times AFL premiers, Richmond Football Club, amongst others. Crowe’s keynote addressed the importance of mindset in leading a life of fulfilment, happiness, and confidence. Crowe guided the team to figure out their ‘why’ through three distinct mindsets: connection, purpose, and performance. Through these mindsets a focus on wellbeing was adopted while working to create a purpose-led and confident team.  


The afternoon sessions for day two were launched by Partner and Wealth Adviser, Travis Schindler, and Wealth adviser, Steph Patrick, with their reflections on their meeting with the Ritz Carlton, who are known for their gold standard of service. Key learnings were deduced on how to implement superior service for our clients. Partner and Wealth Adviser, Chris Morcom, and Marketing Manager, Creina Lister, followed with their presentation on First Class Service. The team discussed in break out groups what first class service meant and looked like to them. After which, a brainstorming session commenced about how we can enhance the first class service offering to Hewison Private Wealth clients. 

Day two was wrapped up with a team building exercise that involved teams of seven racing against each other, and the time, to build the best Lego masterpieces. Communication skills and creative flare were put to the test with each team thriving in their own way. 

The Hewison Gala Event marked the conclusion of the two day conference. Staff dressed to impress in their black tie attire, ready for Hewison Private Wealth’s first annual awards presentation. The awards and their respective winners were:  

  • Leonnie Colwell – Excellence Award 
  • Creina Lister – Culture Ambassador 
  • Simon Curtain – Team Player 
  • Emma Hansen – Above and Beyond 
  • Kathryn Farrell – Client First 
  • Trish Duraisingam – Leading Operations Success  
  • Travis Schindler – Leading Planning Success 
  • Pierce Hanlen – Sunshine Award 

All conference sessions were built and executed in line with our theme to ‘reflect, reset and relaunch’. The sessions, coupled with the conversations and workshops that followed allowed the team to deeply consider current operations and develop solutions and actions for continuous improvement; for our clients, each other and ourselves individually.  

We have never been better placed to project ourselves forward into the future to deliver on our Vision and Purpose.