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As a Financial Adviser I attend a lot of conferences. But the conference I attended last week had little to do with dividends and investment portfolios and everything to do with a social conscience at a grass roots, community level.
Last week I attended the National Community Foundation Forum*, a gathering of community foundations from around Australia.
Firstly, what is a community foundation? Community foundations are independent, localised community focussed philanthropic organisations. In a nutshell they are local people giving time, skills and money for the benefit of their own community.
There are nearly 40 community foundations in Australia and the National Community Foundations Forum is the one time in the year where all the foundations come together. Pooling their learning, gaining new insight and garnering inspiration is the objective.
The largest community foundation, by a long shot, is Melbourne’s Lord Mayors Charitable Foundation (LMCF). And last Monday they released the results from their Vital Signs 2017 research paper.
The Vital Signs report gathers data about a city from reputable sources to provide a snapshot of its community. It identifies the things to celebrate and things to improve.
For the not-for-profit sector, the information provided by Vital Signs gives a clear indication of where efforts are best expended to relieve areas of most need in the community.
What did the latest Vital Signs report reveal?
The good
The bad
Why are community foundations important?
Removed from election and annual general meeting cycles, philanthropic foundations can take a longer-term view. This allows foundations to provide support to initiatives and to test new services or programs before government can fund them.
The National Community Foundation Forum showed there are many people willing to make a difference and focus on making Australia a better place. With a focus on clearly identifying issues in their community, and evaluating their activity, community foundations are well placed to make a long term positive difference in their respective communities.
Hewison Private Wealth has been a sponsor of this conference for a number of years and we have built a solid understanding of the issues facing communities across Australia. We are proud to be part of helping make a difference.
At Hewison Private Wealth we have also established the Hewison Foundation. In our partnership with Sacred Heart Mission, the focus of our philanthropy is on the homelessness issue highlighted by this latest Vital Signs report, as well as assisting women through the Sacred Heart engagement hub, Women’s House.
This week we have our annual Trivia Night, proceeds of which go to the Hewson Foundation to assist in future grants to the Sacred Heart Mission. Limited space is still available! Click for details or call Clare Blizzard in our office a call on 03 8548 4800.
If you are seeking more information about the Vital Signs 2017 report, it can be found here.
* The national conference is run by the peak body, Australian Community Philanthropy
Hewison Private Wealth is a Melbourne based independent financial planning firm. Our financial advisers are highly qualified wealth managers and specialise in self managed super funds (SMSF), financial planning, retirement planning advice and investment portfolio management. If you would like to speak to a financial adviser on how you can secure your financial future please contact us 03 8548 4800, email or visit note: The advice provided above is general information only and individuals should seek specialised advice from a qualified financial advisor. The views in this blog are those of the individual and may not represent the general opinion of the firm. Please contact Hewison Private Wealth for more information.